Object-oriented Digital Toolkit

Presentation Purposes Only | ©2024 QuidelOrtho

The following examples from the global digital toolkit provide the foundational and core UI elements for use across our digital ecosystem, resulting in one global UX. The toolkit shows general guidance for creating repeatable base components ready to be implemented for any digital innovation initiative.

The QuidelOrtho digital experience was built upon the global enterprise brand identity. Our digital design is steeped in Object-oriented User Experience (OOUX), which helps simplify complex digital systems, making it easier for users to find what they need. By focusing on objects and their relationships across other touchpoints, the digital experience aligns with users' expectations, ultimately leading to a better user experience.

In the digital world, not unlike the tangible world we live in, we consumers expect specific way-finding points to locate the places, products, services, and information we're looking for. Our team applied OOUX while planning the QuidelOrtho system. A thoughtful, relatable, and relevant design strategy largely contributed to our intended UX, allowing end-users— internally (employees) and externally (everyone else) to find what they need using our digital tools without frustration, creating a delightful customer journey.