Employee Brand Development

The Bain Group guided Prolacta Bioscience with an internal brand strategy for a new process within its nutrition business. 

Challenge: Prolacta was implementing a new business process, New Product Development (NPD), for its nutrition business. This will be a “new way of doing things” for the organization.

Solution: Leadership wanted everyone in the company to be aware of this new business process, and this customer experience needed to help educate, inspire, and create understanding for employees on why it is essential, to know how they fit it, and how to embrace NPD as a new way of doing things.  

Communication, empathy, and brand experience played a role in the activation success of the Created for Success program.

Results: The Bain Group guided this dimension starting with employee brand knowledge and employee belief in the brand. Because of this, employees that develop an emotional connection with their organization’s brand will align their behaviors accordingly. 

- An effective campaign was developed to drive intelligent conversations around the NPD process

- Created a new culture embraced by the organization.

Presentation Purposes Only | ©2021 Prolacta Biologics, Inc.

“It has been a pleasure working with the Bain Group on this project. Prolacta will be forever grateful for your bringing the vision of this process to life and making it exciting and real for the organization.”

– Dorine Rubalcaba, Director, Global Product Marketing
Prolacta Bioscience