Re-engineering a Global Brand

How the Bain Group helped align one brand, one story – One Ortho for all stakeholders.  

Challenge: For over 80 years, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, a $2B global medical device leader has been a trusted partner to labs and hospitals. As they chart the next 80 years, Ortho will remain that trusted partner. Customer feedback overwhelmingly supports this position, one that is ‘ownable’ to Ortho amongst the competition. The objective was to evolve and re-engineer the brand with visual concepts and messaging (at corporate brand, business unit, and product levels) that supports the promise Because Every Test is a Life™, feels fresh, and communicates confidence.  

Solution: The Bain Group was able to guide the visual approach that organized the layered chaos of years of one-off brand solutions. This included combining existing brand equity with an innovative and relevant brand strategy that included new fonts, revamped colors, and by developing purposeful graphical brand elements.

Maybe most important was the creation and approval of consumer-styled imagery that remained B2B2C patient-focused—yet not product-focused. This decision positions Ortho as an organization that is driven to do what’s best for patients. What’s more, a strategic visual and messaging framework was developed in collaboration with Ortho’s internal brand and communications team. 

Result: The brand evolution was successful because a strong, consistent, and relevant brand builds upon positive reputation, brings a promise of an exceptional experience and is directly connected to trust. Additionally, every word, every visual image, and every touchpoint translates into positive experiences that nearly 5,000 employees want to be part of, creates a positive culture, defines our values, and further differentiates us.

Presentation Purposes Only | ©2022 Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

“Congratulations, great job. Love it! Love the angles, curves, and colors. Love the images and appreciate the breakdown of the design elements to help support the thinking behind the design and why it works. Can’t wait to get started!”

– Ortho Global Marketing team